Patricia called me a few weeks ago to hire me to shoot her water birth at South Coast Midwifery Center in Irvine. I joyously accepted the assignment.
Then her due date came, last Thursday, and the midwife reported she was dilated 8cm, yet no sign of labor at all. So for six days, I had my appointments prepped for postponement, my gear charged and ready for action, my comfy clothes folded and ready to throw on and my attitude eager and excited to document another miracle. Patricia was on the phone with me, her midwife, her doula and I'm sure countless other friends and family members as we all waited anxiously for the labor to begin. And it never really did...
After feeling some 'minor cramping,' Patricia and her husband John got in the car to head to the Center late Thursday afternoon...knowing that the prolonged dilation meant a quick labor was probable. And quick it was! Evan Nicholas popped out in the front seat of their car while they were sitting in traffic on the 405. She delivered him within ten minutes after her water breaking...the fastest delivery I've ever heard of!
I make it sound fast and simple and easy. And I know Patricia would agree it was fast, but simple and easy? No way. She's one of the strongest women I know, and I'm so glad she called me (from the front seat, minutes after the birth, by the way) to come running to their home to shoot the first hours of Evan's life.
Life is truly such a beautiful thing. And I'm so thankful I have been blessed by this experience to illustrate such a wondrous occasion of its amazing beginnings.

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