Wednesday, August 4, 2010
New Blog for Lovato Images
Today marks the last day of any posts to this blog. Lovato Images is moving forward. Lovato Images is progressing. Lovato Images is changing, for the better.
Please visit for more details.
Monday, August 2, 2010
wedding photographer at work, mon
Crouched in a corner, tummy grumbling, heart racing, excitement building, I sit and edit a slideshow for the guests to view at the reception of the wedding I shot on Saturday at the Disneyland Hotel. Thanks to my trusty, brilliant, creative and FANTABULOUS sidekick Min-to-the-shiz-ee...we have it documented.
Can't wait to share the images! SUCH a beautiful event...and it all stemmed from the hearts and hugs of the bride and groom and each and every one of their guests...
Thanks again, Griffins! Talk to ya when ya back from Jamaica, mon!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Slow Down, Look for the Light | Photography and Life

In May I shot the live video feed with Mission Visual for ESCALATE LIVE 2010. It was so great to be part of the staff for this event.
The most touching speaker to me was world renowned wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis. He's an amazing photographer and a really amazing man. My biggest take away from Jerry's talk was to SLOW DOWN and LOOK FOR THE LIGHT. He said that photographers too often look for location first and then try to make the light work. But he stressed the importance of first, slowing down to THINK, then to look for the LIGHT. What a concept!
And I've really enjoyed applying these simple steps within my photography work. Slow down. Think. Look for the light. And BOOM. Beautiful images result.
HOWEVER. A little deeper reflection and I've taken these steps into my personal life as well. Slow down. Think. Look for the Light.
I believe in One God. I believe in One Good. I believe in One Light, and whosoever believes in that Light, will never walk alone in darkness again.
But even those of us who believe and focus on the Light, lose sight of it from time to time. Two weeks ago was such a time for me. I was in the dark. I was lost. And I didn't slow down, stop, THINK for one second to LOOK FOR THE LIGHT.
Finally, FINALLY, after a full week of walking in darkness, I slowed down to think and I prayed. I prayed for God to put His Light back inside of me, I prayed for strength to focus on the Light again. And every day since has been more beautiful and more bright.
So Jerry Ghionis and the lessons I learned at Escalate Live have stuck with me. They are not only teaching me to be a better photographer, but even more so, to be a better me.
self portrait taken the last day of that awful week...the day before I finally focused on the Light again...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Lindsay + Drew | Engagement Session | Wedding Photography
Lindsay and Drew are perfect together. They are open and honest, they communicate, they laugh and have fun...they are better individuals because of their relationship together. And Lindsay was one solid individual before she met Drew. I know this, because I've known her since...what...second grade?? And over the years, I've seen her emerge as a strong and vibrant young woman who takes responsibility for her various roles in life and pushes herself to be the best she can be in every way. Every day.
And Drew is perfect for Lindsay in so many ways...but what stuck out most during our engagement shoot two weeks ago...was that he cherishes her. He appreciates her. He loves her and respects her...but he's not afraid to tell her when he prefers to wear a different shirt than what she thinks. ;)
We met in the backyard of Lindsay's parents house where Drew and Lindsay spent a quiet evening together last fall by the pool. Some really good conversation, some lounging, some champagne and a trip to the car and back brought Drew to one knee to propose to the woman of his dreams. So dream on, the rest of you! This beauty's taken!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Perla + Hector | Engagement Party | Event Photography
But, fortunately, this fantastic couple booked me to shoot their wedding reception/engagement party here in SoCal. And even more fortunately, I got to shoot side by side with one of my fave wedding vendors, Mike McCaleb from Mission Visual. It's always so great to work with quality professionals who are not only great at what they do, but fun too!
So Perla and Hector and their families gathered at the lovely little Town Center Hall in Santa Fe Springs a few Saturdays ago for an evening of celebration. Perla and Hector spent a few minutes outside with Mike and I to get some portraits and a few dance moves in before they hit the party. Perla straightened Hector's tie and we were ready for the grand entrance.
They were greeted inside with such a warmth that I had to keep the images warm toned to showcase the loveliness of their family ties. It has been said that when a couple are married, the families are united and it was really beautiful to see that manifested between the Castillos and Padillas earlier this July. The dancing began, and it was nothing but laughter and more hugs between shimmies. So fun. Thanks for sharing all that with me, Perla, Hector and families...
Muchos anos maravillosos a usted!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
PFC Robert D. Lovato - Marine Corps Graduation Ceremony

Monday, July 19, 2010
Love the Most - Lovato Images
So, to step back into this, I thought I'd reflect on a question I get a lot. People often ask me what I like to shoot the most. I do shoot a LOT of different things and while it might be stretching some of my efforts more than it should, I'm going to keep the diversity going for now. Because. Really. I do enjoy it all.
There are MANY things I love about photography and being a photographer and working in this fantastically creative field. But one of my favorite things about my shoots, is that I'm able to step outside of myself, and immerse myself, my work and my heart into the stories I'm shooting. I might be having a really rough day, but I show up to shoot, and the energy and the chemistry of the people in front of my lens warms me up, wraps me tight and takes all my cares away. Seriously.
So thank you. For all of you who have been in front of my lens, for all of you who have let me into your stories, into your lives, into your energy and love...thank you. I've taken a part of you with me, and taken your story and shared it my way. And I appreciate the experience and the memories we'll keep forever, one digital file, one print, one click at a time...
So to answer the question, 'what do I like to shoot best...' my response is...wherever I am able to feel, share and showcase the most love, I definitely love the most.

Lindsay and Drew during their engagement shoot in Anaheim Hills, July 12, 2010.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Picture of the Every Couple of Days Caption Contest

Thank you all who participated in the Picture of the Every Couple of Days Caption Contest! What fun I had reading all the submissions!
For those not familiar, I asked people to come up with a creative caption for the image above and the winner receives a gift certificate for a 30 minute massage with Brandi Sky Brady, RMT. The winner for this first contest is Christie Naill (most creative caption listed above image). Woo hoo!! Christie, please email me for details on how to redeem your prize.
And because there were so many good ones, I copied some here. Enjoy! And thanks again for all who participated!
"Even as adults, Ricky and his girls still go bananas for the ice cream truck."
"80s Polyester Zombies attack west LA ice cream truck."
"We can totally afford all this ice cream."
"Sugar Rush."
"Ever notice how the Icecream man always drove extra blocks away? Well on this particular day he had made a couple of laps around the block just to see these dorks run after it. He saw them coming, he saw em and sh*t, but he was in that truck with his friends and said to em: Watch me, let's see how fast I make these motherf*ers run."
"rock n roll ice cream"
"Soft serve??? I asked for a Big Stix!"
"Breakin' 3: Popsicle Boogaloo"
"Air Guitar strikes when you least expect it!"
"The 80's just aren't what they used to be."
"Years go by but youth will never die."
"I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin by. All my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy."
"Find your inner child."
"Good times are here again!"
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Independence Days - Lifestyle Photography

Several years ago, while I was in college and working for an event photography company, I took a job on the Fourth of July. A big fat amazing party in Corona del Mar at this big fat house with a big fat guest list of all of the hosts' friends and family. It was a killer party.
And I was in a killer physical state. To make a long and disgusting story short and tasteful, it was a really rough couple of hours. Being sick, and being at this awesome party with all of these awesome friends and family of the hosts', I vowed to never work on the Fourth of July again. I've spent it with my own awesome family and friends ever since.
This year, however, my parents are out of town at a huge family reunion that I had to miss due to shoots today and Monday. So this year is a little different, in more ways than one.
Now here I sit, the day before our country's independence day, and I can't help but think of my own independence. I'm still far from where my vision will take me. I'm still far from where I want to be. However, I've come to a point as an artist where I am excited and honored to stand on my own. My clients trust me and value my work. My friends and contacts appreciate my work. My family is proud of my work. And some are moved by my work.
There is no better way to celebrate independence day this year than to reflect on the freedom I have in my work and the way I fit into myself and my goals more each day. I belong to myself. I am true to myself. And my family, friends and clients allow me that.
So let music swell the breeze, and ring from the trees, sweet freedom's song...let freedom ring!
Have a great weekend, everyone. Be safe. And be free.
(one of my first ever self portraits pictured, 2003)