Lindsay and Drew are perfect together. They are open and honest, they communicate, they laugh and have fun...they are better individuals because of their relationship together. And Lindsay was one solid individual before she met Drew. I know this, because I've known her since...what...second grade?? And over the years, I've seen her emerge as a strong and vibrant young woman who takes responsibility for her various roles in life and pushes herself to be the best she can be in every way. Every day.
And Drew is perfect for Lindsay in so many ways...but what stuck out most during our engagement shoot two weeks ago...was that he cherishes her. He appreciates her. He loves her and respects her...but he's not afraid to tell her when he prefers to wear a different shirt than what she thinks. ;)
We met in the backyard of Lindsay's parents house where Drew and Lindsay spent a quiet evening together last fall by the pool. Some really good conversation, some lounging, some champagne and a trip to the car and back brought Drew to one knee to propose to the woman of his dreams. So dream on, the rest of you! This beauty's taken!

Ahhhh love that girl!!! Lindsay, you look gorgeous! Happy happy wedding. Amazing Jackie, really...xoxo Sheila