I have two explanations (not excuses, of course): one is, I am new at this. Love me anyway; two is, I was in Maui without a laptop. So obviously, I was a little distracted. So next on my list after this blog post? Apple store. Mhm.
So in the first week of August, Sebastian called me and asked if I was available to shoot a wedding on September 6, less than four weeks away...in the middle of the Pacific. I quickly obliged. So a very short couple of weeks later, I was on my way to my first 'paid' vacation.
Sebastian and Aneela are a charming couple. I've known Sebastian for awhile now, and have always appreciated his positive attitude and generous ways. And now that I've gotten to know Aneela a little more, it's safe to announce that I'm in love. She is SUCH a special person with SUCH an amazing spirit and I truly believe God has a solid plan for her life. She's just too great for great things to not happen with her. Except for a minor spell with some minor little jelly fish on my last morning on the island...but we won't get into that now...
The day of the wedding was C.L.O.U.D.Y! Aneela was worried it might rain and spoil her dream of a beautiful sunset wedding. But again, God had His plan. The clouds and the colors and the lights and the shadows and everything between came together to create the most spectacular sunset I've ever seen. He had fun with His paintbrush that evening, that's for sure. So Nee and Seb, myself, the minister and a friend with a video camera laughed and cried and danced and cheered as the couple exchanged vows and became husband and wife. It was so beautiful. So beautiful.

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