Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

documentary photography - TANZANIA

I'm not really sure why I didn't think to turn on my phone earlier to do a post...sms has failed, so I just shut my bb off and didn't think about it again until today, our first day off.

It was an incredibly long journey over here to the other side of the world, and to say it's a different world over here would be a huge understatement. Honestly, I've enjoyed the primitive lifestyle, without 'basic' luxuries like phones and computers and toilets. Yes People, toilets are indeed a luxury.

We were in the Bukoba Town area until this morning when we arrived (via Lake Victoria) in Mwanza. We went to 6 different Orthodox churches and set up clinics for the local people. A couple times we made our 'facilities' out of sticks, sheets and congas (the local sarong type wraps). Literally. The Tanzanians can make anything out of nothing. They just know how to survive.

I have a whole new appreciation for a bar of soap and water...we made our clinics as safe and clean as we could, but sterile wasn't really an option. We were exposed to crazy diseases like tb, scabies, hiv, out of control infections, fungal rashes and some insane wounds. The team ended up needing me in triage, taking vitals and pertinent information before sending patients to the providers, so I saw all this stuff first hand. Hand on hand. Eye to eye. Heart to heart.

It's amazing how much communication is nonverbal. It's amazing how, despite all our differences, these Tanzanians are just like me. Really, I want to be more like them. I'll keep my shoes and running water and clean drinking water...but I need more of their patience, their drive and their love. I've seen so much in their eyes, in their communication together, in their care for one another...we are all people who need people...we are all God's creatures...

I can't wait to get home so I can share stories of these beautiful creatures with you.

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