Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Serengeti Safari - Wildlife Photography

My eyes were opened yesterday to the fact that I'm a people photographer. Even travel and real estate and product photography relates to people in such a way that stimulates that need in me. And that need is one of connection.

The majority of our team met in the lobby at 5am yesterday to venture together to the Serengeti for a safari. Three and a half hours later, we loaded on a bus and were on our way ('Africa time' means nothings 'on time').

It was a beautiful two hour ride to the national park, and I sat alone with my iPod and reflected on the week a bit. My heart swelled with emotion and appreciation for all I'd seen...I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one processing our week...I didn't talk to anyone really but I felt my team was on the same page.

Then we arrived at the gates of the Serengeti and everyone perked up with excitement. All cameras were out and ready to shoot.

And shoot we did - we saw zebras and giraffes and warthogs and crocs and hippos and antelope and monkeys and saw them CLOSE! And it was great to see all those beautiful animals, but I was more excited to see them than shoot them. I took a few shots on the landscape that interested me, but I wasn't too interested in shooting the animals (with my camera).

So, beyond the 150km of Tanzania I saw, beyond the mental slideshow of our African week, beyond the stunning Serengeti and all of its creatures I saw, beyond the dirt and dust and Tsit tsi (spelling?) flies that our team endured together, I learned something about myself that day: I learned I need people.

I love being alone and thinking and doing on my own. But my passion is people. I need people and smiles and conversations and understanding and hugs. Photography excites me, but it only really moves me to higher places (with almost every click!) if there's connection with another human involved.

So most of our team was most excited about the animals, but I was most excited about the 18 humans on our bus.

1 comment:

  1. that was so refreshing to read. finding out something about yourself is always amazing, but it's truly a gift when you realize it through the smiles and warmth of other people. :)
