Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Trish and Tyson

This one took me awhile to finish and get up here, but I'm sure you'll agree it was well worth the wait!

Trish and Tyson tied the Murphy knot back at the end of August at Rancho Chiquita. It was a long, hot day filled with tons of fun. It was a pleasure to spend the day and share this special occasion with Trish and Tyson and their friends and families.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


first and foremost, today, october 22, 2009, is international caps lock day. interesting 'holiday,' but a good excuse to holiday nonetheless. i'll be taking a nap later in celebration of the special day. and i'll also be writing this post without a single capital due to the single fact that i don't like yelling at people.

so - this post is to clarify a 'picture of the every couple of days' i sent out a few weeks ago, with the above posted image (beautiful, isn't it/aren't they?). i got quite a few responses from that email (which, if you haven't yet subscribed to, please do so now, here!) with inquiries ranging all over the board. i sent out very little info with that picture, so i thought i'd give a quick explanation here.

i have a friend up in hollywood who is wanting to take her photography skills to the next level, and what better way to do that, than to shoot. so a couple tuesdays ago, a few friends and i met her up in glendale to do some walking, talking, laughing, shooting and shenaniganing. this is one of my favorite ways to spend time with my friends. i've spent many days and nights over the past 6 years, walking, talking, laughing, shooting and shenaniganing with my friends. and it is through these fun-loving, free-falling hang-out sessions with my friends and my cameras, that i have grown more and more creative (and comfortable!) as a photographer. i am forever indebted to my friends for their perseverance and patience with me throughout the years, and for their countless hours of time spent being not only my friends, but my tireless subjects too!

so. that's what that picture of the every couple of days was great my friends are! and how good looking

Monday, October 19, 2009

Los Lobos at HOB

On Friday I was honored and privileged to receive a photo pass for the Los Lobos show at the Anaheim House of Blues. So great. Life is just so great.

It was of course, an awesome show and one that was totally special to me for a couple of reasons.

One: The All Access Photo Pass. I just love it when someone tries to stop me and I flash my badge and say, 'It's all good, man. I'm good to go.' No matter what the event, it's just a good feeling to be on top of the security. At least that's how it makes me feel (especially when I was denied entrance one time at the HOB, but we're not going to get into that now).

Two: I Called the Opener. Neighborhood, by Louie Perez and David Hidalgo. SUCH a great song to open with, and for those of you that are into music and live shows and stuff, you know the rush you get when you call the opening song. It just sets the tone for an awesome show that is unique for you. I can't really describe it. It's just awesome.

Three: My New Cameras. I had met Louie (super awesome songwriter of the band) a few months back and he had just been cleaning out his garage (and I knew this because I follow him on Twitter like a good little fan) and had mentioned he found some old cameras that he never used and was going to get rid of...and that he should give them to me. 'YEA!' I exclaimed at the time with excitement. But then I kind of dismissed it. When was I going to see Louie Perez again, anyway? And when I finally did, how could he ever remember the old cameras for that one photographer he met that one time? Well, the insanely talented and tremendously generous Louie Perez remembered, and had two beautiful cameras for me in mint condition backstage. I was blown away, honored, amazed and forever appreciative of this man's thoughtfulness and generosity. If you don't love Louie Perez yet, please love him now. He's a great musician and a special man.

Here he is with Conrad...doin' how they do...

And everyone should listen to Los Lobos! They are one of the greatest bands of all time and if you're not familiar with their music - change that immediately! You can listen to all their music on their website. I'm not just saying this because I'm still high from an awesome show on Friday...I'm saying it because they are a TRULY GREAT group of musicians.

And then I figured I should look up 'awesome' since I've used it so much in this post: 'extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration; extremely good, excellent.' And in looking back, this definition fits every noun I adjectived it yea. Rock on.

And 'PLEASE, BRING PEACE to the neighborhood!'

Friday, October 16, 2009

They Found Me

Last weekend I went to Austin and my eyes were opened to many things.

I realized first and foremost, that as a budding business owner, I can't just leave town whenever I want. I love this career of mine because actually, I can leave town almost whenever I want and still maintain a solid business (especially with the help of my new buddy, Mr. MacBook Pro!). However, at this point in my career, with SO MANY things to do to build and solidify my business model and methods, I need to stick it out at the grindstone...spend as much time as possible fine tuning Lovato Images and the way it runs...

Then, as if I didn't already know, my eyes were also opened to how BEAUTIFUL this country is and how vastly diverse each and every city and state can be. My first trip to Texas confirmed my suspicion that Texans are beautiful people with a beautiful culture and that Austin is a unique and utterly charming city. I must go back. I must see Casper and Sydney again, if nothing else.

Finally (not like only three thoughts dawned on me while I was there, but I'm only going to share these three...for now...), my eyes were opened to how Right I was to WAIT to buy cowboy boots until I was in Texas. For years and years (and years!) I have wanted cowboy boots and have tried on dozens of pairs. I have always had a hunch though, that I should wait and buy real live cowboy boots in Texas. Something about Texan made, Texan styled, Texan essenced boots just bubbled some odd energy inside me that somehow stopped me from ever buying boots before I got there. Well. Last weekend, I finally got there. And first on the priority list was to go out in search of the perfect cowboy boots made just for me.

And they found me.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Priceless Poem on the Edge

Last night Lovato Images was part of a beautiful event at the Pacific Edge Hotel in Laguna Beach. It was a bridal show with over 20 different vendors there to showcase their own services as well as help educate brides on their industry for the wedding planning process. Again, it was a beautiful event.

Lovato Images had a table there, but also had 3 photographers to help document the event for all the vendors. Mission Visual had a videographer there as well. Then 2 more of my photographer friends came. I was in photographer heaven. I love hanging out with photographers!

Anyway. More on the event as a whole in a few more days once I get the images from my shooters.

For now. I thought I'd share this little poem I wrote after the event.

New Company Name tags:
Promotional Postcards:
Studio Sample Pieces:
Connecting with New Companies and Taking Home a Plate Full of Charmed Cupcakes:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lovato Images is officially MOBILE

It's official: Lovato Images has gone mobile. We have just acquired a brand new and beautiful MacBookPro. God love Apple.

My first mac was an iBook. Lovely little machine that took me far. After graduation from college, I graduated to the PowerMac G5. Magnificent mother of a machine that opened my eyes to a whole new world from inside my small rectangle of an office. My life was forever changed, for the better. And for a long time I felt free, full of power, full of capabilities and endless opportunities, all while I sat yards from my pillow and steps from my refrigerator. So great. So great.

And then, suddenly, slowly, surreally...I began to feel limited, constricted and tied down. More like, tied to my desk. If I had to spend a whole day away from my desk, I felt inadequate, inefficient and incomplete. Two days away? I was STRESSED OUT. And that stress has stuck with me...

Now, not all of my stressed is caused by my wonderful PowerMac G5 and the separation anxiety that results from being away for too long. Of course not. But with the addition of a totally mobile, totally transportable, totally capable laptop computer to my work flow, I feel like I could get more things done as I'm on the road or just waiting for my client in Santa Monica to be ready for our 10 o'clock appointment as I wait in the cafe downstairs since 9:30 (as will be the case tomorrow morning; I'm always early to LA shoots!). The point is, I can now work ANYWHERE. And do ANYTHING. And be ANYONE I want to be! All with the help of my fabulous MacBookPro.

Long live Apple!

workin in the morning...

workin thru the day til the evenin'...

workin at supper time!

and good-night!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Facebook Help

I love Facebook. There. I said it. And here's a little bit on why...

When I first heard about myspace years ago, the guy who told me said, 'it's so cool, you can find old friends from high school...' and no offense ya'll who knew me then, but that deterred my interest immediately. I thought, 'but I haven't talked to them, I'm fine without them, why would I want to 'find' them?' So I stayed out of the whole social networking sphere for quite awhile, content in my little bubble.

Then. THEN. I realized how great it was to CONNECT with people. ALL people. Outside of social networking online...I started to network with people that I already knew, and followed up more with new contacts as they came. It was awesome! I was making more and more friends and growing in my relationships and growing in my business as well. I always said I want to HELP PEOPLE, and I started spreading that out to more and more people, my hands, my head, my heart...and my life began to blossom.

Gosh this is getting mushy.

But really! FACEBOOK--I love it! And here's why: I get to SHARE with people. I get to give people a little glimpse into my life and I in return get to see highlights of theirs. I get to offer advice, or knowledge, or interesting facts or articles that I come across. I get to show people my images, my vision, my view of life. I get to see and be seen. I get to help and be helped.

pertinent EXAMPLE: yesterday, a friend and woman I've worked with a few times, the fantastic and beautiful Gianna of Chic Celebrations sent out this post:

and as you can see, I quickly responded and within ten minutes, I had this jpeg for her:

It took me minutes and it saved her potential hours and headaches of confusion and stress. A simple helping hand to a simple Facebook friend.

I've randomly helped someone on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn before; I've reached out online for help from others before too. It's just another avenue to connect and share and be human with other humans.

So I love Facebook. Glad I finally get it...and said it.