Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

gettin' down

I like to run, jump, skip, climb, crawl, squat, lay, reach, step back, roll over, lean and balance into my shooting. I do whatever it takes to get a different angle, or try something new. I just like to get down.

More likely than not, if you see me with a camera in my hands, you'll see me somewhere other than on my two feet. It's just how I roll.

Thanks for the awesome illustration provided by Mr. Minhsu Wang, Chairman, Never Original.

1 comment:

  1. What I like most in that photo is how the details came out in your shoe! So cool!
