So last year summer, when Roozie told me he was going to get this adorable little pup from the CO pound, I was excited. I knew it would change Roozie's life, as Chloe has changed mine, for the better.
But when Roozie went to pick up the sick little pup, he got overwhelmed, intimidated and scared and he left the pound without him. This little life was going to be in his hands, he would be completely responsible for this little creature, and this little doggie would forever depend on him. It's a daunting task for a young adult who has barely begun to understand caring for oneself. I know. I was there too.
Fortunately, I have Great Powers of a True Friend and I talked Roozie into turning around and going back to get the little boxer mix with kennel cough. Over the next several days, Roozie nursed the pupsicle back to health and the two were forever bonded.
Now, not so little, the Ottoman dominates Roozie's heart and capitvates the affection of anyone around.

As someone that has rescued two pups of her own, this story really made my day! I only wish more people would decide to rescue from the pound. Thanks for your good work and for sharing =)