Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

interview with PAPA

Some months ago, Karlo Gesner of Karlo Photography and PAPA - Podcast for the Advanced Photo Amateur in Lancaster, PA, sent out a tweet about Facebook fan pages. My sharp witted little self decided to tweet back my strong opinion against the marketing tool and Karlo tweeted back asking if he could interview me for a PAPA podcast. I agreed.

So, a few months later, the two of us got together on Skype with Derek Green of Derek Green Photography in Maryland and chatted on the topic. Karlo was also quite interested in my recent trip to Tanzania with St. Paul's Mission Committee's medical team Mission IS Possible. So. We chatted. We reminisced. We debated. We solved the problems of the Facebook photography world today.

Have a listen.

Do I say 'um' 200,000 times too much, or what?

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