Therapeutic Massage involves hands-on manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, tension, discomfort, muscle spasm and stress. The objective is to promote health, wellness and reduce pain and stiffness. This type of manual therapy helps to improve functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems and may improve the rate at which the body recuperates/recovers from an injury and/or illness.
Therapeutic Massage is available for $1/minute.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a holistic therapy that invigorates the lymphatic system and the immune system by sweeping out harmful toxins. Using light rhythmic massage to increase and enhance circulation and stimulate lymphatic flow, lymphatic drainage massage concentrates on specific lymph nodes under the jaw line. It can be helpful in addressing a wide range of conditions such as reducing fatigue, menstrual cramps, cellulite and water retention, sinusitis and hay fever allergies and sinus infections. Lymphatic drainage therapy removes congestive material from around the facial area, allowing the healing systems of the body to work better.
The lymphatic system is a complex network of ducts and vessels that transfer white blood cells and antibodies to your organs and tissues. These cells and antibodies arm your immune system and help your body combat infections. However, unlike the circulatory system, which uses the heart to pump blood to vital organs and tissues,
the lymph system must rely on hundreds of muscular units, your body movements, and water intake to move the lymph through the vessels. Stress, fatigue, inactivity, cold temperatures, infection, chemical or food additives, even one's age and heredity can greatly reduce the normal lymph movement making it easier for infections and illness to enter the body.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is available for $1/minute.
Ear Candling or coning, is a safe, simple, non-invasive natural relaxing cleansing method that addresses mild illnesses that involve the respiratory system, the sinuses and the ears. By using long hollow “candles” which are actually pieces of fabric that have been dipped into wax they extract earwax and other debris from the ear canal. The proponents of this method say that Ear Candling improves mental clarity and balances fluids that may cause headaches. Other benefits can be:
• Improved sense of smell
• Relief of “swimmer’s” ear
• Reduced ear pain
• Improved sense of taste
• Balanced emotional state
• Reduced ringing in ears
• Relief of dizziness
• Reduced pain of a tear in the eardrum
• Improved color perception
• Equalized pressure in the ear
• Reduced stress and tension
• Clearer thinking
• Improved lymphatic fluid flow
Ear Candling is available for $40/session or $20/session if included with a massage.
Brandi is available for travel throughout Orange County. Locations further than 25 miles require a travel fee of $25.
Brandi Sky Brady - 951.315.8861 -