It's been a long day. Full of wrapping and errands and a match* and a sore throat and appointments and giving and sharing and going and doing and church and family and dinner and desert and washing dishes and staying up entirely too late cleaning with two of the greatest people in the world.
With all the hustle and bustle of this hectic season, and even the hustle and bustle of every day life, it's easy to forget the's easy to lose sight of how to really give...
I know I forget. Daily. So when I read these words they struck me with more than remembrance but with motivation too. Whether or not you believe in Jesus Christ, I hope you believe in a Higher Power...I hope you believe in Good, and I hope you can find the Good in these words...
"Upon arriving at Bethlehem, the Magi came before the Holy Child and His Mother and knelt down to worship the Savior; they opened their treasures and offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh...
We, too, become 'wise' by offering three gifts...
We offer Him as gold - the purity of our heart and our intentions to avoid every evil thought and weakness; instead of frankincense we offer Him a soul that burns with love for God and all humanity; instead of myrrh we present Him with a lifestyle that is worthy...a lifestyle that is replete with His love and our acceptance of this gift through our deeds, prayers and repentance.
As we celebrate the Birth of...Jesus Christ, my prayer is that we look deeply into our lives and flee all the bad habits that may be distracting us from a life in Christ...and that we begin a new journey that will bring us to life eternal."
- GERASIMOS - Metropolitan of San Francisco

May the most beautiful gifts you give and receive this year, be gifts of Love...Merry Christmas...
Jackie~ Your beautiful words never cease to inspire and amaze me. God's love shines from your heart, through your words and in your actions. I feel blessed to know you and am continually touched and spirtually-enriched by your many talents! Wishing God's blessing to you and your beautiful family always!