Slowly I'm getting back into my body. I've enjoyed checking into your blog and reading the email that's been exchanged, but I just haven't been able to put feelings into words.
When I finally went to Trader Joe's for some groceries, I was struck by all the choices I had for food. And when I carried a couple bags out of my brand new car, I thought of how much all that would buy for someone in the villages. I am happy to have my life and have always felt fortunate for the abundance I have, but I'm acutely aware of NEED vs. WANT and that maybe all these choices can be burdens. I sat in a 4 hour meeting on Thursday and just kept thinking "Does any of this really matter?"
I know that, with time, all this introspection will fade. For now, though, little pieces of our two weeks in the villages keep surfacing and I know I'm lucky that all our fates were all thrown together as they were.
And, by the way, I won't soon forget the young photographer who offered to clean the outhouse or whatever was needed so that the interpreter would be freed from his chores.
To go along with Kathi's words are some random details that help me keep the introspection alive. The yellow and white jugs are what the Tanzanians use to gather water from the streams and lakes. Many do not boil it before drinking. Many rarely wash their hands with soap. Think about that next time you turn on your facet for a hot shower.

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