Life as a photographer, editor, and entrepreneur has driven me to some fabulous places and I like to document it with images, but also with words. So thank you for coming to take a peek. Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon to consume some more of who I am and what I do.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

30 HOUR HUNGER STRIKE - Event and Documentary Photography

Last year I shot a candlelight service for the 30 Hour Hunger Strike at St. Paul's Greek Orthodox church in Irvine. A few months later, the director of Hunger Strike told me she thought I should go to Africa. Several months after that, I went. And now, about a year after that one chilly evening in that one dark sanctuary, over 50 teens will gather again to raise money and awareness for people struggling on the other side of the world.

Part of my photography assignment while in Tanzania was to shoot for Hunger Strike. I shot portraits of about 50 kids there, so that our 50 kids here could each have a face, a name and story to understand during their retreat. The 50 kids here will fast for 30 hours this weekend, learn what it's like to live as a child in Tanzania, and work together to raise money to build wells that will provide clean drinking water in the remote villages of Tanzania.

If you're interested in hearing more, watch the video below. If you're interested in learning more, contact me. If you're interested in giving a little, you can donate below as well.

Hunger Strike from Mission Visual on Vimeo.

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